Upcoming Projects, Appearances and Exhibitions.

“It’s a Horror Show: The Found Footage Anthology”
The Kickstarter is live for the new Anthology created by Jade Lowder in partnership with Apollo City Comics. The project brings together 20 plus creators with 18 stories clocking in at over 100 pages of schlock filled horror! Following along here:

“It’s a Horror Show Presents… The Early Bird”
Jade Lowder has partnered with fellow comic creator Brandon De Pillis to bring audiences a new vision of horror. Utilizing Lowder’s successful brand of horror comics comes a new series from “It’s a Horror Show.” “It’s a Horror Show Presents…” offers fans of the series an opportunity to experience new exciting tales of the macabre from a range of artists and indie comics creators. The first installment in this new series is “The Early Bird.” The story, created by Brandon De Pillis focuses on two ice fishermen who catch more than the bargained for out on the ice of Minnesota. Check out the book and secure your copy today by contributing to the Kickstarter!
Old Man Orange - Podcast Conversation
Jade Lowder sits down with Spencer Scott Holmes on the Podcast “Old Man Orange” to discuss Lowder’s new book “It’s a Horror Show 3: The Break-Up” as well as a myriad of topics ranging from Horror Movies, Comic Conventions and the realities of making your own comics! Check it out at the following link:
COMICS AND SWEET TEA Podcast Interview
In a new episode of “Comics and Sweet Tea” on the “Old School Comics” YouTube Channel, Jade recently sat down with Gerry Cooley to talk about horror, comics, revenge and his latest book, “It’s a Horror Show 3: The Break-Up”. If your looking for a good nostalgic ridden conversation about comics and potential of indie both in comics and in horror films, then this is an episode you don’t want to miss. Check it out at the link below and don’t forget to give MR.COOLEY a follow on his YouTube channel!

It’s a Horror Show 3: The Break-Up live on Kickstarter APRIL 16th
It’s a Horror Show 3: The Break-Up, is the next installment in an ongoing series of books created by Jade Lowder. This issue introduces readers to a woman who recently enters a relationship and soon discovers this romance isn’t what she thought. The partner in question has strange habits, digging holes in the middle of the night, collecting ornate knives and meetings with friends in robes in their basement. One night our heroine is awoken by robe clad cultists who drag her from her nice warm bed out to where her Boyfriend has dug a grave. She is hurled into the grave and … well I can’t give away anymore than that, let’s just ask the question: What would happen if she got out? What kind of blood soaked revenge would she embark on? All good questions and there is only one way to find out. From Lesser Known Comics comes It’s a Horror Show 3: The Break-Up.

DEAD and Still Dying No. 1 comes to Kickstarter in JANUARY 2024
Dead and Still Dying a new comic written by Mark Bernal (Either Them or Us) and Illustrated by Jade Lowder (It’s a Horror Show) will be released on Kickstarter in January of 2024. The story follows four high school friends as they encounter a Witch hiding out in their makeshift club house in an abandoned real estate development. The story takes homage from classic adventures such as the Goonies, Monster Squad and a dabble of Stranger Things. The Kickstarter is in pre-launch mode until January when it officially launches. Both Bernal and Lowder will be appearing on several podcasts to help promote the project. There will even be some surprises along the way of some special multi-media add-ons for the project you won’t want to miss. Including a theme song for the project written by the band The Anti-Bodies. Stay Tuned and join the pre-launch here: Kickstarter Pre Launch
Tuesday Dec 19th 2023, Jade Lowder was the guest on the Indie Creator Podcast “Catch Da Craze.” The podcast is a lively discussion that’s perfect for fellow indie comics creators will plenty of valuable advice from the comic creators who host the show: Samuel Vera and George Medina. Lowder talks early influences, traditional comic making and promotes “Dead and Still Dying” for the January 2024 Kickstarter Launch. Listen or watch here:

“It’s a Horror Show: The Date” Gets Reviewed
It’s a Horror Show: The Date, Lowder’s First published full length comic received a review in the podcast “The Awesome Comics Podcast.” The Reviewer, Antony Ez Esmond, met Lowder at Baltimore Comic Con this past September and picked up a copy of the book. Esmond goes on to review the book in a podcast and has some great things to say about the project. A notable pull quote being “…it’s a werewolf book but by way of Love and Rockets.” Check out the review and the podcast for yourself here: Awesome Comics Podcast

Jade Lowder and Spencer Scott Holmes in Conversation
Listen in as Jade Lowder (It’s a Horror Show) and Spencer Scott Holmes (Pizza Boys) talk all things Indie Comics, Conventions and publishing. Listen to the Spencer Scott Holmes Podcast episode featuring Jade Lowder here: Spencer Scott Holmes Podcast

Seance No. 3, Frontier Space Exhibition
Seance No. 3 is part online, part in person solo exhibition with the Frontier Space. Frontier Space, a gallery located in Missoula, MT which is partnered with the University of Montana, exhibited my work as part of their 2020 lineup. The work I displayed in the show centers around an experimental piece of art that I created during quarantine. The work, in the fashion of Sol Lewitt, is an instructional piece that asks viewers to create a wall drawing and perform a collective meditation. The other half of the work displayed is of my paintings and sculptural pieces as installed in the Helen E. Copeland gallery in Bozeman, MT and displayed virtually on the Frontier Space website. View more of the show and participate in the collective performance here:

Halloween! Envision Arts Exhibition
Envision Arts presents an online exhibition of art works guaranteed to get you into the “spooky season.” I was able to exhibit two of my paintings in this fun show and was awarded Honorable Mention for my participation the show. Take a look at the works included here:

CCAN 2020, Center for Contemporary Arts Exhibition
CCAN 2020 is an exciting exhibition put on by the Center for Contemporary Arts in Abilene Texas. This show is indeed in person, so if you find yourself in Abilene Texas within the next month, stop in and check out the work in person. The Center for Contemporary Arts has also compiled an online “flipbook” that you might virtually enjoy the art in this group exhibition as well, you can find that here: